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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2006-10-07 06:30:02 Views : 26711 Item names Use the following entries with the give code weapon_arx_long_sword weapon_arx_orc_chief_cleaver weapon_arx_short_sword weapon_arx_silver_sword weapon_arx_sword_collector weapon_arx_sword_of_fire weapon_ax_sword_of_misery weapon_arx_wakizashi_of_excellence weapon_arxclub weapon_arxcrossbow weapon_arxcrossbowrope weapon_arxdaggers weapon_arxhelmet weapon_arxkatana weapon_arxorccleaver weapon_arxringdexterity weapon_arxringmana weapon_arxringprotectfire weapon_arxringregeneration weapon_arxringsecondchance weapon_arxringstrength weapon_arxshield weapon_arxsword weapon_lockpick weapon_missile weapon_mm_bow_collector weapon_mm_bow_explosive weapon_mm_bow_freeze weapon_mm_bow_holy weapon_mm_bow_living weapon_mmbow_long weapon_mm_bow_mass weapon_mm_bow_plan weapon_mm_bow_poison weapon_mm_bow_sniper weapon_mm_daggers_collector weapon_mm_daggers_dest weapon_mm_daggers_kryss weapon_mm_daggers_kryss_lk weapon_mm_daggers_light weapon_mm_daggers_of_ashes weapon_mm_daggers_plan weapon_mm_daggers_polar weapon_mm_daggers_shadow weapon_mm_daggers_silver weapon_mm_helmet_accuracy weapon_mm_helmet_confusion weapon_mm_helmet_guard weapon_mm_helmet_health weapon_mm_helmet_lichcrown weapon_mm_helmet_orcchief weapon_mm_helmet_orsmall weapon_mm_hook weapon_mm_shield_deathknight weapon_mm_shield_gob weapon_mm_shield_guard weapon_mm_shield_lava weapon_mm_shield_magic weapon_mm_shield_necroguard weapon_mm_shield_orc weapon_mm_shield_orcsmall weapon_mm_specter_knife weapon_mm_staff_collector weapon_mm_staff_combat weapon_mm_staff_destruction weapon_mm_staff_fire weapon_mm_staff_ghost weapon_mm_staff_holy weapon_mm_staff_mana weapon_mm_staff_necromancer weapon_mm_staff_shadow weapon_mm_staff_shock weapon_mm_staff_spell weapon_mm_staff_tun weapon_mm_staff_wizard weapon_mm_staff_wood weapon_mm_weapon_generic weapon_MMDummyCaster weapon_mmspell weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_1 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_2 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_3 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_4 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_1 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_2 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_3 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_4 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_1 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_2 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_3 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_4 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WATER_1 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WAER_2 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WATER_3 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WATER_4 weapon_MMTelekinesis_physcannon weapon_sword_souldrinker item_potion_life (Health potion ) item_potion_mana (Mana potion) item_potion_full_life (Full Health potion) item_potion_cure_poison (Antidote) item_potion_stone (Stone Skin potion) Use one of the following entries with the mm_npc_create code Use one of the following entries with the mm_npc_create code: Arantir aratrok cyclope death_knight_sword death_knight_sword_shield ghoul goblin human_guard human_guard_bow Leanna lich Menelag necromancer orc_sword orc_sword_bow orc_sword_shield Phenrig undead villager_undead Cheat Mode Start the game with the -console command line parameter. Alternately, in the game options, on the "Keyboard" tab, click the "Advanced" button at the bottom and check the box "Enable Developer Console". Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Type sv_cheats 1 during game play to enable cheat codes.
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